domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Chapter 2: Father Timoty

1.   Father Timothy gave the orphan three names. How would these names help the boy?
 The three names of Ram help him when the people whants to call him because depends of the religion of the other person called Ram in a different way.

2.Find out about the wars between India and Pakistan and answer: In your opinion, why did Father Timothy give him these three names?
Because probably Father Timothy accept the three differents religions in India and he wants to avoid discrimination for be of other religion.

3.  How did Ram spend his childhoo?
He spend his childhoo in the church, living with Father Timothy and also he play cricket and football with another children.

4. How diferent was Ram Mohamed Thomas’ childhood from yours?
At first I have parents I'm not an orphan. I live in a house and not in a church with other boys and girls that are oprhans and finally I don't have three names and three religions.

5.       In your opinion, what is going to happen to Ram after Father Timothy’s death?
I suppose that he is going to be adopted by someone

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