domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Chapter 11: Look after your buttons

1. Do you think Prakash Rao was right in giving his wife all what she wanted?
If he can afford it I don't find any inconvenient

2. Is that a reason to steal and betray your own family?
I don't think so

3. What is voodoo and in which country do people usually practise it?
Voodoo is a religious practise that people from Haitiand West Africa sometimes used. It consists in damage the person or persons that you want

4. How did she make voodoo to Prakash Rao's brother?
She take a button from one of his brother shirt and some hair after that she killed a chicken and spread the blood on the doll

5. In your opinion, who was more cruel to each other, Prakash or Arvind Rao? Why?
I think that Prakash was more cruel because he wish the worst for her brother

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