domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

Representation of Chapter 4

Chapter 13 : A sister's promise

1. Ram said the luck came from inside the person. Explain what he meant
It means that if you are a good person and in your life you help other people and you do good actions you will have luck.

2.Does the story have a happy end? Explain your answer.
Yes, the story have a happy ending because Ram win the show and Nita fall in love with him. Also, at the end of the book we discovered that Smita was Gudiya.

Chapter 12: The last question

1.In this chapter we learn the true reason why Ram Mohammad Thomas went to the show Who Will Win a Billion. What is it?
Ram discovered that the presenter was the lover of Neelima Kumari's and the husband of Nita. He wants to revenge.

2. Why did Ram choose the answer A?
Because his lucky coin told him to choose the answer A after used the chart of Half and a Half

3.What was Smita’s secret?
That she was Gudiya

Chapter 11: Look after your buttons

1. Do you think Prakash Rao was right in giving his wife all what she wanted?
If he can afford it I don't find any inconvenient

2. Is that a reason to steal and betray your own family?
I don't think so

3. What is voodoo and in which country do people usually practise it?
Voodoo is a religious practise that people from Haitiand West Africa sometimes used. It consists in damage the person or persons that you want

4. How did she make voodoo to Prakash Rao's brother?
She take a button from one of his brother shirt and some hair after that she killed a chicken and spread the blood on the doll

5. In your opinion, who was more cruel to each other, Prakash or Arvind Rao? Why?
I think that Prakash was more cruel because he wish the worst for her brother

Chapter 10 : At home with a killer

1. Explain how Salim became a junior actor
He went to Mukesh Rawal's office and asked him for a role in one of his films He took some pictures of himself and gave them to Pappu Master and he give him a role.

2. Would you betray someone who has saved your life if you know he's a criminal?
No, because someday this person will atack you and you will be in a trouble.

3. Why do you think Thomas didn't tell Salim about the quiz show?
Because if Salim know the idea of go to the quiz show probably he may suspect the revenge of Thomas with the presenter of the quiz

Chapter 9 : A love story

1. Ram and Nita fell in love. But why could they not get married?
Because Nita is married with another man who's rich

2. Nita is engaged to a rich and successful man who will pay her family 40,000 rupees. Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea?
I think that is a bad idea because the marriage is a symbol of love. All the people should married with the person who loves, no with a person who have more money or the person who her parents consider the best option for their children.

3. Why do you think Swapna Devi said this about his son: "perhaps death will be the best thing for him"
Because in my opinion it's better die than spend all the days of your life suffering and look the people who loves you without a smile.

4. In this chapter we see Thomas is really generous. Why?
Because he puts himself in the shoes of poor boys to help people

5. Why is this chapter particularly important?

Because Ram find the love of his life, the person for he give her life and love so much and also he meet the man who help him to win the program.

How was the man of the hospital able to pay Thomas back?
Answering the question  in order to get the final prize of the TV show

Chapter 8 : Murder on a train

1. "Fifty thousand dreams had suddenly been taken from me". What did Ram mean?
Ram say with this sentence that with the fifty thousand rupees he can achieve his dreams

2. Thomas is thinking about the Police and asks himself: "Would the police tell me that I was a hero for killing a robber? Or would they call me a killer who had shot a man dead without even knowing his name?". Why does he think this? What do you think the Police would tell him?
Because he think that the police knows the crime but no the history and the causes that take him commite the crim. I think that the police would tell him that he is a killer.

Chapter 7 : How to speak australian

1. Who do you think phoned the inspector about Colonel Taylor and Jeevan Kumar?
I think that it was Ram who call Colonel Taylor

2. Why was Thomas different from the other sevants that Colonel Taylor had had?
Because he was younger than the other servants and more legal he can't stole something.

3. Now thomas has 52,000 rupees. What will he do? How will he spend them?
He probably buy food and clothes and after that he look for Salim and Gudiya around the India.

4. Where did he get all this money from?
He save up money until get 52000 rupees

Chapter 6 : A brother's promise

1.  Do you think Ram should have helped Gudiya?
     I trink that he should have helped her because they are very good friends.

   2. Will the Police find him and arrest him for the murder?
    No because if they arrest him the history finished. If Ram was arrested he wouldn't have gone to Who wants to be a millionaire

   3. Will see ever see his brother and Gudiya again?
      I think that his destiny is see again his brother and Gudiya because he didn't do something wrong, it was for help a friend

      4. Would you interfere if you knew your neighbour is beating his wife and daughter?
     Yes, I'll call the police because is the best option and I think that probably my neighbours don't be brave to call the police but I can help them.

Chapter 5 : A soldier's story

1. He talks about a war. When was it and which countries were fighting each other? Why?
The soldier talks about The Indo-Pakistani War took place the 3rd of December of 1971. It was a war between India and Pakistan because a conflict about religion and territory

2.   How did the old soldier’s stories help Ram with the answer to the next quiz question?

The soldier mention PVC, that was the highest award for indian soldiers.

Chapter 4 : Tragedy queen

1.    Ram knew Neelima’s lover face although he couldn’t remember exactly where from. Who do you think it was? Where might he have seen him before?
Probably the lover of Neelima's was a famous person in India and he saw his face in a newspaper or in a TV program

2. Neelima says about her lover: “sometimes I think that he loves me. Sometimes I think that he hates me”. Why does she say this?
Because her lover hit him

3.  In your opinion, why men mistreat women? Why is Neelima mistreated?
I think that men mistreat women because they think that her wife's or girlfriend doing something wrong and they consider that they are superior than women that's not true.

4. What happened to Neelima in the end? Name three true celebrities who died the same way
Neelima commit suicide. Other celebrities that died in the same way that Neelima are:

- Kurt Cobain : the famous guitarrist of Nirvana
- Marylin Monroe : a famous actress
- Elvis Presley : one of the best singers of the history

Chapter 3 : A home for the disabled

1. How did Ram and Salim meet?
Ram was ill and he was taken to another room where the doctor saw the patients after two weeks another boy came to the room, Salim.

2.  Why did they like each other?
The two boys were orphans and another thing that they have in common it's that they loved watching films and their favourite actor was Armaan Ali.

3. What was the Delhi’s Children home like?
 It was a large old building with a small garden and a wall around it and the bedroom of Ram had two beds and a mirror in a wall

4.  Why and how did they escape?
They escaped because heard a conversation between Maman and Punnoose and they discovered that Maman wants to make them blind.

5. Where are they Planning to go?
They are planning to going to Neelima Kumari house, an actress that would help them

6. How are they going to survive there?
The famous actress probably will give him food and offer them a bedroom

Chapter 2: Father Timoty

1.   Father Timothy gave the orphan three names. How would these names help the boy?
 The three names of Ram help him when the people whants to call him because depends of the religion of the other person called Ram in a different way.

2.Find out about the wars between India and Pakistan and answer: In your opinion, why did Father Timothy give him these three names?
Because probably Father Timothy accept the three differents religions in India and he wants to avoid discrimination for be of other religion.

3.  How did Ram spend his childhoo?
He spend his childhoo in the church, living with Father Timothy and also he play cricket and football with another children.

4. How diferent was Ram Mohamed Thomas’ childhood from yours?
At first I have parents I'm not an orphan. I live in a house and not in a church with other boys and girls that are oprhans and finally I don't have three names and three religions.

5.       In your opinion, what is going to happen to Ram after Father Timothy’s death?
I suppose that he is going to be adopted by someone

Chapter 1: Cheat!

1.  Why was Ram surprised to see Smita?
Because he didn't asked for a lawyer who defends him about the cheating on the show Who whants to be a millionaire.

2.  In your opinion, who sent Smita? How did she know about his arrest?
I think that nobody sent Smita, she realized that Salim was arrested by the police for the thought of cheating on the show. She probably watch the quiz and recognized Ram and she knew that the organizing of the quiz probably arrested him because he is a poor man that is imposible that he knew all the solutions of the questions.

Before read Slumdog Millionaire

Vikas Swarup got the idea for Slumdog Millionaire after watching the popular TV show Who wants to be a millionaire?
This TV show has been seen in more than hundred countries but the first version was made on ITV1 in the UK on 1998 but the first Indian version started in 2000 and it has been hosted by Bollywood actors like Amitabh Bachchan or Shahrukh Khan.

The story :

Slumdog millionaire tells the story of Ram Mohammad Thomas. Then name was given by Father Timothy and this name brings together three important religions : Ram is from the Hindu Religion, Mohammad from the muslim religion and Thomas from Christianity.
Ram is a young boy who was born in Delhi but he grows up in the slums of Mumbai (Bombay) one of the biggest cities in the world. The biggest problem in the slums is the water supply.

People , places and events in the story:

Surdas was a saint , poet and musician who was born in a small village in India. He was bring.He left his family at the age of six when he followed a group of singers who were passing through the village. We can found around eight thousand poems of he. Ram and Surdas coincide in the fact of left his house in a early age also Ram have to memorize the poems of Surdas.

The story takes place in Delhi (India), and it shows different sides of the cityfor example the suburbs or the richest part of the city. During the story take place  an indian war.

The Taj Majal was built by Emperor Shahjaban, who was called Prince Khurram before he became emperor, had falle in love with Mumtaz Mahal. They got married and had fourteen children but she died when she was given birth to her last child. Before she died Prince Khurram promised to build the most beautiful palace in the world for her, and he built the Taj Mahal. 

About the autor...

The writer of Slumdog Millionaire is Vikas Swarup who was born in Allahabad (India).
He studied in Allahabad Boys' High School and College. After that he decided study psychology, history and philosophy at Allahabad University and in 1986 he joined the Indian Foreign Service.

Vikas Swarup worked for differents countrys like USA, Turkey, Ethiopia and others and in 2009 he became Consul General of India in Osaka,Japan. 

The original tittle of Slumdog Millionaire was Q and A but he changed the name after the film that was made about his book. Slumdog Millionaire was his first book and he writed that in only two months.
The fame of this book increased when a film was made about that. This film won 8 oscars.
After the fame of his book Slumdog Millionaire he writed another book called : Six suspects

New book : Slumdog millionaire